Detoxing holistically

January is a time where we see lots of talk and discussion about detoxing after the festive break and as a kick start for the new year ahead. But is January the best time to do this? When we are still very much in mid-winter, and hibernation is still what we are craving with the mornings and evenings still so dark and the weather still so cold.

A better way to approach detoxing is to make lifestyle changes and build good habits into daily routines so that you are reducing the toxic load from the “get go” and daily habits are keeping on top of what’s left.

Reducing toxic load

Many toxins are within our homes. Consider home cleaning, laundry and personal care products, as well as home fragrance. These will contain lots of toxins such as heavy metals, petrochemicals, synthetic fragrance and parabens. Much of these ingredients are environmental oestrogens i.e. they mimic oestrogen within the body and can cause havoc with hormones, mood and weight gain. This is particularly critical if you are trying to conceive or are perimenopausal.

Foods are another area where toxic load can be reduced. Cutting back on ultra processed foods such as ready meals, ready made sauces, fast foods, packet foods can really help reduce toxic load. Choose whole foods and make meals from scratch. Teach yourself how to cook. Snack on things like fruit, nuts and seeds and cut out the junk. Choose organic where possible and rinse/wash fruit and vegetables thoroughly before eating.

Water intake should be increased. The body uses around 2 litres of water per day just to complete its daily functions. If you are not consuming this regularly then the body will source the water from itself leaving you with signs of dehydration such as dry skin, slow bowel movements and headaches.

Choose a water filter to filter out debris, pharmaceutical residues, microplastics and chemicals used in the treatment plants.

Food and water storage

Don’t store your water in plastic bottles; choose a metal or glass bottle. Don’t cook food in plastic containers and try not to store food or re-heat food in plastic. Choose glass Tupperware or simply use a regular bowl and pop a plate over the top. Avoid using clingfilm. You often don’t need to cover and wrap food; simply placing it in the fridge will be good enough if you are eating it the next day. If you want to use a wrap then look at the reusable beeswax or plant-based wraps. Plastic from bottles and storage containers will leach into the water/food, especially if you are washing in hot water using a regular detergent. Switch to an environmentally friendly brand such as Method or BioD.

Daily habits

Daily dry body brushing is a great way to keep your lymphatic system boosted which is integral to reducing toxins and inflammation. Take a body brush and gently brush in an upwards motion towards the heart. Brush up the middle of the torso, then the legs, arms and across the top of the chest. Do this every morning on dry skin before showering or moisturising to keep on top of your detox plan.

A castor oil pack worn over the right side of your abdomen can help to support your liver which is integral for detoxification. This is simply a compress soaked in castor oil and then strapped to your torso and worn for an hour. You can do this weekly to keep on top of your detox plan, or more regularly if you are using it in a more targeted way.

Oil pulling each morning with coconut oil is another way to regularly rid your body of toxins. Put around a teaspoon of coconut oil in your mouth first thing, and let it melt then swish it around your mouth for approximately 2 minutes before spitting into the bin (do not spit into the sink as it may block drains).

Detox the mind with meditation. Meditation doesn’t have to be complicated or boring. Simply sit in a comfortable position and be quiet for a length of time. Sit in the stillness. Allow yourself not to think or worry about anything for the set amount of time. It could be as little as 1 minute to begin with. Use a timer. Practice every day and note how you feel.

These approaches are a better and kinder way to detox your body, and will be practical and sustainable to build into your everyday life.

Is Acupuncture Worth it for IVF?

Acupuncture is very much worth it as part of your overall plan in preparing for conception.

It is well documented that it takes around 100 days/3 months, or 3 cycles, for an egg to be recruited and matured ready for ovulation, and similarly for a full sperm regeneration cycle to complete.

It is hugely important to give yourself time to prepare and improve your overall health and wellness, lifestyle, diet and nutritional aspects before conceiving, whether you plan to do this naturally or via IVF. If the raw materials are not in the best condition possible, then you will not be maximizing your chances for a viable conception, implantation, and ongoing pregnancy and the health of the child.

As an acupuncturist I work closely with couples to look at where problems might be hiding. Sometimes a small imbalance can lead to issues when it comes to fertility. Working holistically, I take a full medical and lifestyle history from couples trying to conceive, then work out a specific and individualized acu-point prescription to help re-balance what I see happening in the body. I look at tongues, ears, feet and feel your abdomen. I ask a lot of questions about your menstrual cycle, menstrual blood and digestive health, as this can tell us as lot about what might be happening within the body.

Acupuncture is hugely effective when it comes to IVF. Particular points can help with innervation to the ovaries and uterus, boosting Blood and Qi, giving a good bump up to the follicles, helping with uterine lining, managing oestrogen levels and holding off OHSS, as well as calming the mind and supporting the couple. It is also excellent for expediting the recovery after egg collection, and preparing the uterus for transfer. Which points are used will be individual to your own picture.

In my own clinical experience, couples who have taken the appropriate time and care to prepare for their next IVF cycle get the best results; either falling pregnant naturally or having a successful IVF cycle.

If you would like to book a full consultation to discuss your own situation please contact me. Prices can be found here.

Molecular Hydrogen

Hydrogen is the smallest molecule in the universe. It has only 2 atoms, and binds with oxygen to give us water – H2+0.

Molecular hydrogen is the name given to hydrogen that is released into water to give it highly antioxidant properties. There are over 1000 published studies now providing evidence that hydrogen-rich water has many health-giving and therapeutic effects.

Why is water good for you?

If we consider that, as humans, we are made up of approximately 70% water, we should really make clean, living, health-giving water and hydration our number one priority when it comes to health and nutrition.

Tap water is not the same as filtered water

Tap water is drinkable but it is full of various extras such as the growing concern around micro-plastics, chlorine, fluoride, pharmaceutical residues and hormones. Because of these, as well as poor water structure, the tap water consumed does not effectively hydrate the body and penetrate deep into the cells where it is needed. It is a bit like watering a dried up pot plant: most of the water runs straight through into the saucer.

By releasing molecular hydrogen into clean, filtered and restructured water, we are left with water that is highly bioavailable and hydrates the body much quicker and effectively that regular tap water.

How do I get molecular hydrogen into my water?

There are various ways you can get molecular hydrogen into your water. The system I use at home (and have done so since 2021 – I never promote anything I do not use myself) is the Energy Plus Undersink Filter System from Water for Health.

This is a 4 stage filtration process which sits neatly under the sink. The first two filters remove debris and particulate, and other contaminants such as chlorine and fluoride. The third filter uses bioceramics to mineralise the water to give it good structure. It then finally passes through the fourth filter which uses a magnesium substrate to release molecular hydrogen into the water.

Which water filter is best?

A water filter of this nature is my preferred way to filter water, over reverse osmosis (ro) and distilling. This is mainly down to the fact that both of these methods remove absolutely everything from the water, including the good stuff – the minerals – which not only provide all the trace elements your body needs, but also provide a basic structure to the water. So if you do choose “ro” or distilling then make sure you re-mineralise the water before drinking.

For further information please see my affiliate link here. There are currently over 1000 published studies available on the benefits of molecular hydrogen.

Lung Season

As summer draws to a close we start to move away from the relaxed and carefree attitudes of the warmer and longer days, and move into more serious and introspective energies of autumn. This is the season of the Lung.

Create Space

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the season of the Lung is all about organisation, setting limits and protecting boundaries. It’s element is metal (air); clean, pure and purposeful. It is a great time to have a clear out, get organised and tidy up, creating space. It is important to be letting go of any strong attachments you have to people, objects and experiences: attachment can hinder opportunities to learn and for growth.

Breathe in, Breathe out

The Lung is all about breathing in the new, and letting go of the old or the waste. It is no surprise then to find that the Lung (yin) is paired with the Large Intestine (yang). Yin is fluid and yang is flow. We must have fluid in order to flow. If the fluid becomes depleted, or stagnated, or in excess, then this will consequently effect the flow. Traditional Chinese Medicine understands that life is all about balance: if the body and mind are out of balance then this is where dis-ease can occur.


The emotion of the Lung is sadness (grief). If we spend a lot of time re-living the past in our minds, or having strong attachments, this can deplete our Lung energy and create deficiency. Of course it is only natural and healthy to experience sadness and loss, but it must be resolved and not prolonged. It must be experienced and learned from, not perpetually endured. Grief cleanses us of what is not needed in our lives. Chronic deficiencies in Lung energy lead to depletion and consequently to depression and other issues.

Things we can do

The Lung is the only yin organ with direct contact to the exterior, and therefore we must take care of this delicate organ by protecting our wind gates and wrapping up warm with collars and scarves as the colder weather prevails.

The climate of Lung season is dryness. We can eat warm and foods that are cooked for longer; nourishing and moisturising, supporting the body and the immune system.

If we live in balance with nature, Autumn is about contracting and slowing down, looking inwards, getting ready to rest (for the winter).

Spend time deep breathing and visualising letting go of everything that no longer serves you.

These are just some simple things we can pay attention to during the season of the Lung. The element of metal gives us our sense of self worth, our own self-value. We must look inside ourselves for that.

Next up: winter – season of the Kidneys.

If you are looking for fertility support in Lancashire please get in touch.


Jackie Marsden is a Reflexologist, Acupuncturist and Foot Reading Practitioner, based at Elder Cottage Clinic, Warton, Preston.

Image courtesy of Graphics Mouse at

[Recipe #1] Plant-Based Protein Slices

These nutty and chocolate-y slices are exactly what you need if you’re looking for a healthy snack to complement a higher fat/lower carb diet, or if you’re looking for an innocent sweet treat after a meal.

I’m not really one for writing or following recipes: I tend to just throw things together with whatever I have in the cupboards and hope for the best! So when I posted these slices on Instagram I felt a little out of my depth with people asking after the recipe… however, after promising I would share it, here it is:


  • 3-4 tablespoons of Organic Virgin Coconut Oil
  • 3-4 tablespoons of protein powder. I used That Protein Blissful Brown Rice and Raw Cacao Super Protein. If you didn’t want to use protein powder then just raw Cacao powder would suffice here.
  • 2 tablespoons of Pecan nut pieces.
  • 2 tablespoons of Walnut pieces.
  • 2 tablespoons of Brazil nut pieces (note – use whichever nuts you prefer. Macadamia would also work here).
  • 2 tablespoons of Lidl Alesto Super Seed Mix. This contains milled Golden Linseed, milled hulled Hemp Seeds and milled Chia Seeds.
  • 2 Tablespoons of Holland and Barrett Organic Omega Shake. This contains Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Brown Linseeds.
  • 1 scoop of Neal’s Yard Remedies Organic Fibre Blend. This powder contains Apple Powder, Psyllium Seed Husk Powder, Inulin Powder, Chia Seed Powder, Hemp Protein Powder, Fructooligosaccharides, Bacillus coagulans for a healthy gut (optional).
  • 1 teaspoon of Agave Syrup and 1 teaspoon of Manuka Honey (these are to sweeten. You can use whatever sweeteners you like and adjust the amounts to taste).


  1. Line the base of a regular loaf tin.
  2. On a low heat, slowly melt the coconut oil and then remove from heat.
  3. Stir in the remaining ingredients one by one until they represent a pan of delicious melted nutty-chocolate.
  4. Carefully pour into the lined tin and refrigerate overnight.
  5. Once set, slice into portions and enjoy!

Jackie Marsden MAR is a qualified reflexologist, acupuncturist, promoter of healthy living and independent consultant (Group Leader) for Neal’s Yard Remedies Organic. Jackie leads and mentors a growing team of consultants (many of whom are therapists integrating organic products into their existing businesses) via the NYRO social selling channel, holding regular team meetings, one-to-one coaching via phone and facetime, and a closed facebook group. All views are her own.

My Healthy Kitchen

If you’ve been following me on Instagram or Twitter you will have seen me posting some beautifully tasty looking meals and snacks from my own kitchen. Many (not all) of these foods are recipes inspired by Ella Mills (Woodward) from her books and blog “Deliciously Ella”.


Ella’s story is pretty amazing. In a nutshell, she has recovered and healed herself from a rare disease affecting the nervous system known as Postural Tachycardia Syndrome which had her bed bound for around 16 hours a day at the young age of 19. After  months of suffering and a myriad of steroids and medication (which also came with their own side effects) Ella decided to do her own research and finally decided to become a gluten-free vegan and heal herself through nutrition. This journey has inspired her to get cooking, discover mew foods and experiment in the kitchen, which is where her blog started.


Ella’s recipes have been enlightening for me. They have opened up a door in my kitchen to combat my own sugar addiction through making delicious healthy but sweet snacks that actually satiate rather than driving the cravings even further. I’ve also learned new cooking techniques and flavour combinations which form a basis of my knowledge for my own creations and adaptations. A huge revelation also is that cooking in this way is super quick!


What is even more exciting is that Ella has been collaborating with Neal’s Yard Remedies to create her very own facial wash and moisturiser! A fusion of rose, cucumber and lime suitable for all skin types. If you would like a sample please get in touch! I’m also taking pre-orders for the eagerly anticipated launch on 4th August 2016. Why not book a party with me and let me bring the new products to you and your friends?

If you’re interested in what I’ve been cooking recently follow my blog for the forthcoming recipes. In the mean time why not check out Deliciously Ella’s Superfood Brownies made with our Organic Greens Complex and our Organic Virgin Coconut Oil. I’ve made these a few times and they taste amazing.

Jackie Marsden MAR is a qualified reflexologist, promoter of healthy living and independent consultant (Team Leader) for Neal’s Yard Remedies Organic. Jackie leads and mentors a growing team of consultants (many of whom are therapists integrating organic products into their existing businesses) via the NYRO social selling channel, holding regular team meetings, one-to-one coaching via phone and facetime, and a closed facebook group. All views are my own.


Look after your DNA with good nutrition

Did you know that 99.9% of all our genetic material is identical in humans, which is what identifies us as a species? The 0.1% of our genetic material is different from person to person and  is what makes each person unique (causing differences in things like hair and eye colour, height and nutrition needs). These differences between people are called gene variations or polymorphisms. [1] Some gene variations may cause rare diseases (and are often referred to as mutations), while others are more common (and are just described as polymorphisms). Gene mutations and polymorphisms may interact with other genes and with factors in our environment (including diet, smoking, physical activity etc), to play a role in the development of complex disease such as Type 2 diabetes, asthma, cardiovascular disease. [1]

So it is really important that we do everything we can to look after our DNA. This is particularly important for sperm health, as they are literally a little head of DNA with a tail. So if you are trying to conceive, this is great advice.

There are three main ways to look after our DNA with good nutrition:

Preventing DNA damage. We should do everything we can to try to prevent DNA damage occuring because genetic mutations can lead to serious illnesses including chronic disease and some cancers.

To help prevent DNA damage from occurring ensure your diet is rich in nutrients, such as carotenoids (orange, yellow, and red foods, and dark green leafy vegetables), and foods rich in vitamin E (seeds, nuts, avocado).

DNA synthesis. In order to help our bodies synthesise or make DNA, we need foods rich in nutrients such as folate (vitamin B9) found in dark green leafy vegetables, pulses and legumes. A number of fruits are a great source of folate too, oranges being the highest but also look at grapes, grapefruits, banana and strawberries.

Other nutrients needed for DNA synthesis are vitamin B12, zinc and magnesium. If you’re a vegan then getting B12 into your diet through food alone is going to be a challenge so a supplement of at least 10 micrograms daily is recommended because Vitamin B12 is usually found in animal products. [2]

Superfoods spirulina and chia seeds are rich in magnesium; chia also being rich in zinc, iron, calcium and niacin (see below).

DNA repair is a very important: the body has the ability to repair areas, or mutations, that may have occurred due to DNA damage.  Key supporting nutrients that can assist with DNA repair are vitamin B3, or niacin, (peanuts, sunflower seeds, mushrooms), and folate (vitamin B9).

Chlorella is the fastest growing food on the planet, so eating it dramatically increases our rate of tissue repair and renewal, helping restore the nervous system, boost immunity and potentially helping degenerative disorders.[3]

It’s important to remember that it’s not just about the nutrients in isolation: so just taking a supplement of some of these key nutrients may not provide the same benefits as eating foods rich in these nutrients. There are so many other properties of foods, such as our bioactive molecules, antioxidants and polyphenols, and fibre, which also provide an important synergistic benefit. [1]

My personal recommendation would be to add a general multi mineral and vitamin supplement on top of a well balanced diet in order to ensure you are getting all the nutrients your body needs. Organic foods are best as they will be more nutrient dense, however our soils are so depleted nowadays that we need to supplement in order to ensure we put enough into our bodies through our diet.

I personally use chlorella powder blended with orange juice, avocado, kale and spinach every morning, sprinkled with chia seeds and nuts. I know that I’m nourishing my DNA and it gives me a great start to the day!

[1] Monash University

[2] Vegan Society

[3] Little book of superfoods by Tipper Lewis

Image courtesy of samarttiw at

Jackie Marsden MAR is a qualified reflexologist, acupuncturist and independent consultant (Group Leader) for Neal’s Yard Remedies Organic. Jackie leads and mentors a growing team of consultants (many of whom are therapists integrating organic products into their existing businesses) via the NYRO social selling channel, holding regular team meetings, one-to-one coaching via phone and facetime, and a closed facebook group. All views are my own.


Overfed and Undernourished

I have wanted to write this blog for a while now. Since watching Jason Vale’s documentary “Super Juice Me” (twice!) [1], I have been completely open to understanding that we need to increase nutrients and decrease toxicity in order to drastically improve our health. This blog is largely a summary of what I’ve taken on board from watching the documentary, so I have Jason to thank for this blog.

The cases of chronic disease are increasing and we are seeing more cancer and more diabetes than ever before. Jason likens our bodies and lifestyle to a fish swimming in a bowl of clean and nutrient-rich water. But, the water becomes polluted with greasy, fatty, sugary foods. Our bodies have a natural filtration system that can deal with a little bit of almost anything, but if the pollution is continual and starts to increase, our bodies start to struggle. Disease sets in. Symptoms are a warning sign that something is wrong and that something needs to change. So now imagine the fish swimming around in the dirty water, it is feeling down, ill, lethargic, depressed. What would you do? Clean the water of course! But generally, we don’t. Instead we go to the doctor who will treat the symptoms with more pollution: medicine. And so the problems go on. In many cases the medicine gets rid of some symptoms only to create new ones. Jason isn’t against medical intervention (and neither am I), but what we need to do is pay more attention to the cause, rather than the symptoms. What we need is a lifestyle change.

ID-100111764It is so true that the effect of convenience is disease. Our busy lives leave little time and so it is easier to buy those ready meals, the processed food that is quick to warm up and eat, the snacks, the biscuits, the crisps, the chocolate bars etc. We are so removed from real foods that we don’t know what we are eating. Healthy eating is a commitment, but it is a commitment worth making: the key to good health is through what we eat. I recently saw this quote on Twitter which sums up nicely: “Those who think they have no time for healthy eating will sooner or later have to make time for illness”.

When observing an overweight, obese person, the last word that springs to mind is “starving” yet this is what is happening: our bodies are literally starving of nutrients. We are overfed and undernourished. The big food industry wants to make money, so they add salt, sugar, fat and other additives to the food to make it taste great, so we buy them again. However these additives are highly addictive. Manipulating foods in this way creates a false hunger: the hunger point cut off is switched off and so we eat more and more leading to weight gain, raised blood pressure, raised sugar levels, lethargy (the list goes on). Clever marketing can even promote some of these foods as “healthy”. We need to get back to eating real foods, foods that are not made in a factory, foods that don’t come out of a packet, foods that are whole. As Jason describes them: low human intervention (HI) foods.

Jason talks about his theory of one disease: inflammation. Jason believes that largely, chronic diseases are caused by inflammation. Toxins cause injury, injury creates inflammation.

The overall message is that we need to improve our nutrient intake and reduce toxicity. This is where juicing is such a revolution, and why Jason is so passionate about it.  By adding just one or two juices a day to an already balanced diet of low HI foods can increase nutrient levels enormously. It is a great way to “clean the terrain where our cells bathe” i.e. clean the water in the fish bowl. [1] Goodbye to the meagre 5-a-day. We can start eating all those nutritious vegetables that we don’t particularly like, because juicing broccoli, cabbage, kale, spinach, celery, with a piece of ginger, or some apple, makes them taste great!

Let’s do this now, let’s not wait for the time when it might be too late. Let’s flood our cells with nutrients, let’s get healthy.

[1] Jason Vale: Jason wasn’t always slim and healthy; he used to suffer from severe psoriasis, eczema, asthma, hay fever and obesity. He used to smoke 2 – 3 packets of cigarettes a day and drank very heavily, drinking up to 14 pints of lager a day. He has used juicing as the main tool to clear his skin, drop the weight and free himself of illness.

Jackie Marsden MAR is a qualified reflexologist and independent consultant (Team Leader) for Neal’s Yard Remedies Organic. Jackie leads and mentors a growing team of consultants (many of whom are therapists integrating organic products into their existing businesses) via the NYRO social selling channel, holding regular team meetings, one-to-one coaching via phone and facetime, and a closed facebook group. All views are my own.



Image courtesy of FrameAngel /