IVF Acupuncture – Does it Work?

IVF acupuncture is acupuncture to support you through the IVF process.

Ideally you will work with me for 3 months before your IVF treatment begins so that you are fully prepared for success.

Many clients come to me after they have had an unsuccessful first round. We look at the unsuccessful cycle and review what happened, and reflect upon what can be done differently next time.

It is such an emotionally challenging and stressful time for couples; having independent support is invaluable. It’s not simply needles; it is having someone to talk to and knowing someone has your back throughout the journey.

Acupuncture points are often chosen on the lower leg, ankles and feet, wrists and abdomen. But everyone is individual and points are chosen based on your particular pattern.

Acupuncture is powerful after egg collection to help your body heal from this procedure quickly so that you are ready and energised for the embryo transfer around 5 days later.

Getting 1-2 acupuncture treatments in after egg collection, and then one before embryo transfer can be really helpful.

A “baby bank” with details of couples who have trusted in me to support them through their fertility journeys is forthcoming. I am also preparing an e-book to help you set good foundations for your fertility journey.

How can I increase my chances of IVF success?

IVF is a process which shouldn’t be taken lightly. It is hard on couples from all angles; emotionally, mentally and physically.

The drugs used are heavy duty; creating all sorts of side effects and mood swings. The process involves physical incisions through the vaginal wall and on the ovaries – multiple cuts in fact – depending on how many follicles you have. A lot of energy is required for your body to heal. You will also be sedated and this can take time to recover from.

Then there is the agonizing wait to see if any eggs fertilized, and how well they develop to day 5 where you will then have another procedure to transfer the embryo into your womb. And the 2 week wait begins, alongside more drugs.

It is an emotional roller coaster and exhausting; taxing mentally and physically with trips in and out of the clinic for tests and scans.

For such a consuming process, wouldn’t you want to prepare the best that you can to maximise your chances of success? Its not something you should walk into without first fully investigating what the problems are with your inability to conceive naturally, and to really prepare your body and the environment within which your eggs are recruited and collected, and then transferred back for implantation and ongoing pregnancy.

Preparation is key when it comes to IVF success. Don’t allow a fertility clinic to use your first round as a diagnostic; that’s way too expensive both financially and for your health and overall wellbeing.

Find someone to help you through the process and work with a specialist who can take a deep dive into your lifestyle and nutrition, and offer you acupuncture as part of your preparation program.

Contact me for an initial chat and start your preconception journey with me today.

How can I increase my chances of getting pregnant?

If you are reading this then chances are you are trying to conceive, and perhaps you have been trying for a while now and each month is a roller coasting of emotions ranging from the highs of hopeful to the lows of that one line showing on the stick.

One of the best things you can do is to take yourself off this roller coaster for at least 3-6 months. Stop “trying” and start focusing on collecting data, improving your lifestyle and nutritional choices.

Start tracking your cycle using a very basic thermometer to take your basal body temperature, and a paper chart. Mark down where your temperature is each morning before you get out of bed, and on which day of your cycle. Take note of your menstrual blood, spotting, discharge. Collecting this data for around 3 cycles can start to present patterns and markers that might indicate what is happening within your body and your cycle. Bring this with you if you decide to book in for acupuncture.

Get your bloods checked including a full hormone and thyroid panel. Get copies of these results and again bring them with you if you decide to come into clinic for acupuncture.

Really take a deep dive into your lifestyle; write down when you go to sleep, when you wake up, what you eat for each meal, whether you often get aches and pains. What exercise do you take, and what about your partner/husband? How much water do you both drink? Are you both eating a lot of processed foods? Do you use a lot of plastic?

Don’t go on this journey alone. Find a qualified practitioner to help you along the way. My fertility clients come in for weekly acupuncture where we look at everything in your life in detail and work out a plan of action to prepare you as a couple for conception, whether that is natural or IVF.

My clinic is based on the Fylde PR4. Contact me for a chat.

Is Acupuncture Worth it for IVF?

Acupuncture is very much worth it as part of your overall plan in preparing for conception.

It is well documented that it takes around 100 days/3 months, or 3 cycles, for an egg to be recruited and matured ready for ovulation, and similarly for a full sperm regeneration cycle to complete.

It is hugely important to give yourself time to prepare and improve your overall health and wellness, lifestyle, diet and nutritional aspects before conceiving, whether you plan to do this naturally or via IVF. If the raw materials are not in the best condition possible, then you will not be maximizing your chances for a viable conception, implantation, and ongoing pregnancy and the health of the child.

As an acupuncturist I work closely with couples to look at where problems might be hiding. Sometimes a small imbalance can lead to issues when it comes to fertility. Working holistically, I take a full medical and lifestyle history from couples trying to conceive, then work out a specific and individualized acu-point prescription to help re-balance what I see happening in the body. I look at tongues, ears, feet and feel your abdomen. I ask a lot of questions about your menstrual cycle, menstrual blood and digestive health, as this can tell us as lot about what might be happening within the body.

Acupuncture is hugely effective when it comes to IVF. Particular points can help with innervation to the ovaries and uterus, boosting Blood and Qi, giving a good bump up to the follicles, helping with uterine lining, managing oestrogen levels and holding off OHSS, as well as calming the mind and supporting the couple. It is also excellent for expediting the recovery after egg collection, and preparing the uterus for transfer. Which points are used will be individual to your own picture.

In my own clinical experience, couples who have taken the appropriate time and care to prepare for their next IVF cycle get the best results; either falling pregnant naturally or having a successful IVF cycle.

If you would like to book a full consultation to discuss your own situation please contact me. Prices can be found here.