IVF Acupuncture – Does it Work?

IVF acupuncture is acupuncture to support you through the IVF process.

Ideally you will work with me for 3 months before your IVF treatment begins so that you are fully prepared for success.

Many clients come to me after they have had an unsuccessful first round. We look at the unsuccessful cycle and review what happened, and reflect upon what can be done differently next time.

It is such an emotionally challenging and stressful time for couples; having independent support is invaluable. It’s not simply needles; it is having someone to talk to and knowing someone has your back throughout the journey.

Acupuncture points are often chosen on the lower leg, ankles and feet, wrists and abdomen. But everyone is individual and points are chosen based on your particular pattern.

Acupuncture is powerful after egg collection to help your body heal from this procedure quickly so that you are ready and energised for the embryo transfer around 5 days later.

Getting 1-2 acupuncture treatments in after egg collection, and then one before embryo transfer can be really helpful.

A “baby bank” with details of couples who have trusted in me to support them through their fertility journeys is forthcoming. I am also preparing an e-book to help you set good foundations for your fertility journey.

Does ICSI have all the answers?

Since the advent of ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) problems with male factor in infertility can be addressed and bypassed with this procedure. The ICSI procedure allows particular sperm to be selected for use and manually injected into the egg by the embryologist using a microscopic needle.

But does ICSI always give us the best outcomes?

If the quality of sperm is sub-optimal, the question one has to ask is what impact will this have on the ongoing pregnancy and health of the child going forward?

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) our Jing is the substance we inherit from our parents at the moment of conception. Our Jing fuels our growth and development not just through conception and prenatal growth, but all through our lives from infancy to puberty, adulthood and beyond. Jing dictates our constitution and vitality as we move and age through life.

So if we completely disregard the quality of the sperm in favour of the ICSI procedure, what impact will have on the health of the life created? If a sperm is unable to penetrate an egg on its own, what does that say about the underlying Qi of that sperm?

So although ISCI is a wonderful and exceptional advancement in fertility medicine and assisted reproductive techniques, I do believe it should be firmly balanced with other perspectives of male health and vitality.

Sperm are continually created within the body, so taking a break for around 3 months before the next round of IVF is an optimal amount of time to put lifestyle changes in place. Dietary, lifestyle and nutritional changes can have a huge impact on sperm quality.[1] Taking this time and making this effort to improve the underlying Qi and Jing that is passed onto the next generation is fundamentally important. Things to consider:

  • Stop smoking/vaping;
  • Reduced consumption of refined sugars, processed foods,
  • Reduced consumption of alcohol;
  • Increased consumption of a wide variety of vegetables and fruit;
  • Take regular exercise;
  • Increased water intake;
  • Reduce the use of plastics for cooking and water/food storage (switch to glass)
  • Supplement with a good quality preconception multivitamin to include zinc, selenium, omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants;
  • Reduce stress (look at meditation, reflexology, acupuncture, spending time in nature);
  • Keep mobile phone away from body [2];
  • Ejaculate frequently [3].

Other options to explore before diving straight into IVF/ICSI:

  • Having a full examination to rule out varicocele, hydrocele and other physical abnormalities;
  • Bloods taken for a full hormone profile;
  • Checking the microbiome to rule out any infection which might be causing levels of damage to the sperm.

“Mounting evidence suggests that the gut microbiome plays a key role in normal spermatogenesis and can be negatively impacted by diet and environmental perturbations.” [3]

Of course, every couple is individual, and factors such as age, for example, will also determine your route to IVF and ICSI.

If you are looking for fertility support in Lancashire please get in touch.

If you would like support through your fertility/IVF/ICSI journey with acupuncture please get in touch.


[1] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32397485/

[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7848840/

[3] https://rbej.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1477-7827-10-115

[4] https://www.fertstertreviews.org/article/S2666-5719(23)00001-4/fulltext

Let’s talk about periods

Did you know that a true menstrual period only comes if ovulation occurred. This means that if you are on the oral contraceptive pill (OCP) and have “periods”, these are really withdrawal bleeds and not true menstrual periods. This is because the OCP prevents you from ovulating.

If you are trying to conceive then it is wise to give your body time to readjust from stopping OCP and get back to a normal cycle.

Period Flow

The flow of your period should be tracked on the day that menstrual blood starts flowing properly (this would be marked as day 1). Often light spotting can occur beforehand so only class day 1 of your period when it gets going properly.

A normal, healthy period would be 3-5 days of bleeding and have a clear end. A regular flow is normal.

Heavy flow and flooding are something to be flagged. This would be more than 5-7 days of bleeding, or if you are having to change sanitary products more than every 2-3 hours. These issues might indicate issues such as thyroid imbalances, fibroid, low iron.

Likewise, very light pink blood for less than 3 days is also something to be flagged. This might be a sign of low oestrogen levels.

Period Pain

Rate your pain levels on a scale of 0-10. Mild cramping when your period starts is normal. Anything more should be flagged. Does it stop you from going to work? Do you need to take pain killers? Do you need to use a hot water bottle? Anything more than a 1 on the scale indicates a red flag. Where is the pain in your body? e.g. headaches, abdominal pain, breast pain, lower-back pain? These can all be clues and could indicate imbalances that can be addressed.

Period Frequency

Cycle length (day 1 to the next day 1) should be 24-35 days in length. There should be a clear start and end to the period.

If you have spotting before or afterwards this is something to be noted. Similarly, the colour of the blood should be a healthy red colour with no clots. If it is pink, dark red, purple, or black, then these are all flags to be noted.


After discussing all of the above in a consultation, acupuncture can help rebalance the body with certain point prescriptions based on your symptoms. Alongside regular acupuncture, lifestyle changes and wellbeing techniques can also be adopted to optimise health and chances of conception.

There are lots of things to think about and consider with fertility awareness. Education is key and having knowledgeable support from an acupuncturist or reflexologist can be invaluable.

If you are looking for fertility support in Lancashire please get in touch.

Stress is a thief

Stress is bandied about a lot across the internet and social media. But lets cut to the chase.

When you are chronically stressed (and this can be any type of stress, worry or fear because the body treats it all the same; as a threat) then your adrenal glands will secrete more of the hormone cortisol in order to keep you safe.

However, cortisol is made up of various ingredients, one of which is pregnenolone. This is where the steal happens. Pregnenolone is a key building block for the sex hormones: oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone. When the body is stressed, it believes it is under threat, and the priority is survival. So of course, the body will prioritise using the ingredients to create cortisol, the stress hormone, over using it to create our sex hormones. Because if your cycle is irregular, or you have unusual mid-cycle bleeding for example, these are not life-threatening. But the body will interpret any stress as life threatening, so other processes of less importance will be “put on the back-burner”.

So if you are having fertility issues of any kind, identifying areas of stress in your life can be a pivotal starting point. Really take some time reviewing your daily activities and routines and see where things could be improved. Spend some time sitting quietly and try not to think about anything. If this is difficult, write down the thoughts or worries that keep reappearing. Other things to consider:

  • Meditation or some sort of spiritual connection
  • Reflexology and/or acupuncture, massage
  • Gentle exercise allowing time for recovery afterwards
  • Setting time aside to do the things you love to do

If you are looking for fertility support in Lancashire please call/email me directly to have a chat and book in.