Stress is a thief

Stress is bandied about a lot across the internet and social media. But lets cut to the chase.

When you are chronically stressed (and this can be any type of stress, worry or fear because the body treats it all the same; as a threat) then your adrenal glands will secrete more of the hormone cortisol in order to keep you safe.

However, cortisol is made up of various ingredients, one of which is pregnenolone. This is where the steal happens. Pregnenolone is a key building block for the sex hormones: oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone. When the body is stressed, it believes it is under threat, and the priority is survival. So of course, the body will prioritise using the ingredients to create cortisol, the stress hormone, over using it to create our sex hormones. Because if your cycle is irregular, or you have unusual mid-cycle bleeding for example, these are not life-threatening. But the body will interpret any stress as life threatening, so other processes of less importance will be “put on the back-burner”.

So if you are having fertility issues of any kind, identifying areas of stress in your life can be a pivotal starting point. Really take some time reviewing your daily activities and routines and see where things could be improved. Spend some time sitting quietly and try not to think about anything. If this is difficult, write down the thoughts or worries that keep reappearing. Other things to consider:

  • Meditation or some sort of spiritual connection
  • Reflexology and/or acupuncture, massage
  • Gentle exercise allowing time for recovery afterwards
  • Setting time aside to do the things you love to do

If you are looking for fertility support in Lancashire please call/email me directly to have a chat and book in.