How can I increase my chances of getting pregnant?

If you are reading this then chances are you are trying to conceive, and perhaps you have been trying for a while now and each month is a roller coasting of emotions ranging from the highs of hopeful to the lows of that one line showing on the stick.

One of the best things you can do is to take yourself off this roller coaster for at least 3-6 months. Stop “trying” and start focusing on collecting data, improving your lifestyle and nutritional choices.

Start tracking your cycle using a very basic thermometer to take your basal body temperature, and a paper chart. Mark down where your temperature is each morning before you get out of bed, and on which day of your cycle. Take note of your menstrual blood, spotting, discharge. Collecting this data for around 3 cycles can start to present patterns and markers that might indicate what is happening within your body and your cycle. Bring this with you if you decide to book in for acupuncture.

Get your bloods checked including a full hormone and thyroid panel. Get copies of these results and again bring them with you if you decide to come into clinic for acupuncture.

Really take a deep dive into your lifestyle; write down when you go to sleep, when you wake up, what you eat for each meal, whether you often get aches and pains. What exercise do you take, and what about your partner/husband? How much water do you both drink? Are you both eating a lot of processed foods? Do you use a lot of plastic?

Don’t go on this journey alone. Find a qualified practitioner to help you along the way. My fertility clients come in for weekly acupuncture where we look at everything in your life in detail and work out a plan of action to prepare you as a couple for conception, whether that is natural or IVF.

My clinic is based on the Fylde PR4. Contact me for a chat.