Why is Acupuncture popular during IVF?

Acupuncture is becoming increasingly popular within the IVF world and many clinics recommend acupuncture to patients to help support them through the journey. But what is it about acupuncture that makes it so popular for the IVF process?

There is a huge wealth of scientific study and evidence to show that acupuncture has a positive effect on IVF outcomes. It is easy to do a quick internet search to find lots of research articles and scientific studies on this topic. It is a widely researched area and there is a lot of interest. For further information about studies and outcomes, please see this fact sheet from the British Acupuncture Council.

Let’s now focus on the physical aspects of acupuncture and the IVF process. The reproductive system is a particularly vascular system, and therefore inserting needles into that area of the body will create a micro-trauma. This sends extra blood, oxygen and nutrients into the area, helping to regulate uterine and ovarian blood flow and encourage follicular development (eggs) and endometrial development (the lining of the uterus).

Acupuncture has an impact on hormones and the communication within the endocrine system, thus having a positive effect on menstrual cycles. Specifically points on the head can have a direct effect on the pituitary gland. Likewise, serotonin and dopamine are our neurotransmitters, and acupuncture can offer regulation of these, so patients start to feel better and in balance. Acupuncture therefore can help navigate the side effects often felt from IVF drugs, such as headaches, nausea, hot flushes, low mood.

For men, needles in the lower abdomen and legs is going to increase blood flow to the testes and will positively effect the semen. Semen are constantly being manufactured within the body so changes can happen quickly and swiftly.

Alongside the physical aspect of acupuncture there is also the emotional support an acupuncturist will offer as you go through the IVF process. Being able to talk to someone knowledgeable, caring and in confidence during a very stressful time, when you might be wanting to keep your journey private from friends and family, can be really helpful and a lifeline for support during the process.

How can I increase my chances of IVF success?

IVF is a process which shouldn’t be taken lightly. It is hard on couples from all angles; emotionally, mentally and physically.

The drugs used are heavy duty; creating all sorts of side effects and mood swings. The process involves physical incisions through the vaginal wall and on the ovaries – multiple cuts in fact – depending on how many follicles you have. A lot of energy is required for your body to heal. You will also be sedated and this can take time to recover from.

Then there is the agonizing wait to see if any eggs fertilized, and how well they develop to day 5 where you will then have another procedure to transfer the embryo into your womb. And the 2 week wait begins, alongside more drugs.

It is an emotional roller coaster and exhausting; taxing mentally and physically with trips in and out of the clinic for tests and scans.

For such a consuming process, wouldn’t you want to prepare the best that you can to maximise your chances of success? Its not something you should walk into without first fully investigating what the problems are with your inability to conceive naturally, and to really prepare your body and the environment within which your eggs are recruited and collected, and then transferred back for implantation and ongoing pregnancy.

Preparation is key when it comes to IVF success. Don’t allow a fertility clinic to use your first round as a diagnostic; that’s way too expensive both financially and for your health and overall wellbeing.

Find someone to help you through the process and work with a specialist who can take a deep dive into your lifestyle and nutrition, and offer you acupuncture as part of your preparation program.

Contact me for an initial chat and start your preconception journey with me today.

Is Acupuncture Worth it for IVF?

Acupuncture is very much worth it as part of your overall plan in preparing for conception.

It is well documented that it takes around 100 days/3 months, or 3 cycles, for an egg to be recruited and matured ready for ovulation, and similarly for a full sperm regeneration cycle to complete.

It is hugely important to give yourself time to prepare and improve your overall health and wellness, lifestyle, diet and nutritional aspects before conceiving, whether you plan to do this naturally or via IVF. If the raw materials are not in the best condition possible, then you will not be maximizing your chances for a viable conception, implantation, and ongoing pregnancy and the health of the child.

As an acupuncturist I work closely with couples to look at where problems might be hiding. Sometimes a small imbalance can lead to issues when it comes to fertility. Working holistically, I take a full medical and lifestyle history from couples trying to conceive, then work out a specific and individualized acu-point prescription to help re-balance what I see happening in the body. I look at tongues, ears, feet and feel your abdomen. I ask a lot of questions about your menstrual cycle, menstrual blood and digestive health, as this can tell us as lot about what might be happening within the body.

Acupuncture is hugely effective when it comes to IVF. Particular points can help with innervation to the ovaries and uterus, boosting Blood and Qi, giving a good bump up to the follicles, helping with uterine lining, managing oestrogen levels and holding off OHSS, as well as calming the mind and supporting the couple. It is also excellent for expediting the recovery after egg collection, and preparing the uterus for transfer. Which points are used will be individual to your own picture.

In my own clinical experience, couples who have taken the appropriate time and care to prepare for their next IVF cycle get the best results; either falling pregnant naturally or having a successful IVF cycle.

If you would like to book a full consultation to discuss your own situation please contact me. Prices can be found here.