Understanding puberty in girls from a TCM perspective

We can all remember the struggles of our teenage years; problems such as acne, the start of our periods, breasts forming, getting used to wearing bras, peer pressure, increasing levels of school work and home work, not being able to get out of bed in the mornings.

As a parent, I want my own daughters to have an easier time than I did. As a therapist, I am more aware of the strains put upon children and teenagers, and how this can effect them physically, psychologically and emotionally.

In my previous blog post, I explained in general terms about our Kidney energy being responsible for our growth and development, and reproductive health. If we experience a painful puberty it is likely that we will experience a more difficult menopause. We also want to optimise fertility, pregnancy and childbirth in between these two milestones, as well as general health and wellness, and they are all interlinked.

The following behaviours can have a significant impact on a young woman’s health:

  1. Early sexual activity. This can have an impact on uterine health at such a vulnerable time, causing imbalances such as blood stasis.
  2. Excessive physical work and exercise, During puberty, this may cause weakness and deficiency in the developing body (Spleen and Kidney), which in turn can lead to stagnation. Of course this depends on the individual constitution, but it is important to be aware of as a parent.
  3. Exposure to external cold. Young women are vulnerable to invasion of external cold, particularly during puberty. Social pressure to wear clothes that reveal the lower back and abdomen, going out without a coat and scarf, prioritising their physical appearance over their well-being can leave them prone to being attacked by the external pathogen of cold. If cold attacks the uterus, it will contract and cause stagnation.
  4. The use of tampons blocks the natural downward flow of blood and can cause stagnation. There are also many other health risks associated with tampons including the exposure to environmental oestrogens which is covered in a different blog post.
  5. Emotional stress and anxiety will have a massive impact on energy levels, depleting the Kidneys and creating excess Heart energy. If it is held onto then this can cause stagnation.

Taking care during this sensitive time will have a massive impact on our young women’s health as they get older. Common problems such as period pain, irregular periods, heavy/scanty periods, infertility, endometriosis, anxiety and depression, fatigue can all be improved through gentle communication, education and sensitivity around these issues at a young age.

If you are interested in receiving some acupuncture or reflexology sessions please contact me directly for an initial chat.

If you are looking for fertility support in Lancashire please get in touch.

Jackie Marsden is a Reflexologist, Acupuncturist and Foot Reading Practitioner, based at Elder Cottage Clinic, Warton, Preston, PR4. She is a full member of the Association of Reflexologists.

The Dirty Truth about Tampons (and pads)

Did you know that sanitary products are categorised as “medical devices”. “So what?” you might say. This categorisation means that manufacturers are exempt from listing the ingredients used in producing tampons and sanitary pads.

Are they really safe?

The exemption from listing the ingredients is worrying for a number of reasons. The skin around our vagina, and the vaginal tissue itself is highly vascular, leaving it permeable to a wide range of compounds. In other words,  any chemical or toxin is absorbed at a higher rate and will quite possibly enter the blood stream. Chemicals or toxins entering the body via the skin by-pass the filters of the digestive system, and thus are potentially a greater danger to our health. (1)

Other personal care products such as wipes, shampoos, washes etc. are regulated as cosmetics and thus must list all ingredients used. But shouldn’t the ingredients of tampons and sanitary pads be disclosed too? I believe that they should so that women can make informed choices on what they put on their skin and what they place inside their bodies.

Undisclosed substances contained in tampons, sanitary towels and wipes, such as preservatives, pesticides, fragrances and dyes could have possible and serious health effects emerging in the form of an allergic rash, genital irritation, the onset of asthma and an increased risk of cancer.(2) There is also a question mark over their impact on fertility.

The cost to our planet

Tampons and sanitary pads create huge waste, which is an ever increasing problem for our planet.

On average a woman will use 11,000 tampons or pads in their lifetime (3). Each one takes years to degrade. This figure is quite staggering – but then – think about how many women are on the planet and how many women to come? We are needlessly creating mountains of waste. We need to do something different.

The personal cost – what is it really?

On average a woman uses around 22 sanitary items per cycle, and spends around £90 per year. (4) Multiply this by 40 years of menstruation, each woman can spend on average £3600 on tampons and pads. Compare this to a Mooncup which cost £23.50 and will last years and years. (3)

Mooncup – what’s that?

The Mooncup is a reusable menstrual cup, around two inches long and made from soft medical grade silicone. It is worn internally a lot lower than a tampon but, while tampons and pads absorb menstrual fluid, the Mooncup collects it. This means it doesn’t cause dryness or irritation, and also that it collects far more (three times as much as a tampon!). Because the Mooncup is reusable, you only need one so it saves you money and helps the environment, too. (3)


The Mooncup is designed to be folded and inserted into the vagina, then removed, rinsed and reinserted up to every 8 hours. A light seal is formed with your vaginal walls, allowing menstrual fluid to pass into the Mooncup without leakage or odour. This seal is released for removal, allowing you to empty the contents, rinse or wipe and reinsert. Comfortable, convenient and safe: the Mooncup can be used overnight and when travelling, swimming or exercising. (3)

What next?

Buy a Mooncup, start using it, and never have to buy, use or dispose of tampons and pads ever again!

Note the links to Mooncup are my affiliate links. I am only affiliated to brands/products that I use myself, and wholeheartedly believe in.

If you are looking for fertility support in Lancashire please get in touch.


(1) http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/05/22/feminine-hygiene-products.aspx

(2) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2528510/Are-tampons-toxic-How-feminine-care-products-contain-undisclosed-ingredients-linked-allergic-rashes-asthma-cancer.html

(3) http://www.mooncup.co.uk/wc.php?u=3243

(4) http://www.theguardian.com/environment/ethicallivingblog/2009/aug/17/eco-friendly-periods-mooncup

Jackie Marsden MAR is a qualified reflexologist and independent consultant (Team Leader) for Neal’s Yard Remedies Organic. Jackie leads and mentors a growing team of consultants (many of whom are therapists integrating organic products into their existing businesses) via the NYRO social selling channel, holding regular team meetings, one-to-one coaching via phone and facetime, and a closed facebook group. All views are my own.
