Under Sink Water Filter

The water filtration market can be difficult to navigate. Which one is best? What do I need it to do? What is structured water? What is ionised water? Will a water ioniser filter the water? Will a water filter ionise the water too?

After a lot of research on the internet and discussion with industry experts, I have come to the conclusion that the Energy Plus Undersink Water System from Water For Health is the best system which brings the best of both filtered and ionised water, ensures that the water is structured for the highest bio-availability, is affordable in price, easy to install, and has great personal, knowledgeable customer service.

I have been using this system since 2021 and replace the filter cartridges myself annually.

The water passes through 4 filters before coming through your tap:

Filter 1: An ultrafiltration membrane filter cartridge to remove particulate and act as a barrier to bacteria and cysts. It filters down to 0.1 micron, so removing most particulate including microplastics.

Filter 2: An advanced carbon block filter using minerals and polymers to give extremely efficient removal of heavy metalschlorinefluoridepesticideshormones and pharmaceutical resides.

Filter 3: This filter uses a combination of several types of bioceramic minerals including tourmaline, to improve water structure and its beneficial mineral content.

Filter 4: This filter uses a combination of bioceramic filter media to increase the alkalinity of the water and give it antioxidant properties through the release of molecular hydrogen. It also uses granular activated carbon for final filtration of the water.

For more information check out my affiliate link or order directly from me here.

Water and hydration are at the centre of health.

Molecular Hydrogen

Hydrogen is the smallest molecule in the universe. It has only 2 atoms, and binds with oxygen to give us water – H2+0.

Molecular hydrogen is the name given to hydrogen that is released into water to give it highly antioxidant properties. There are over 1000 published studies now providing evidence that hydrogen-rich water has many health-giving and therapeutic effects.

Why is water good for you?

If we consider that, as humans, we are made up of approximately 70% water, we should really make clean, living, health-giving water and hydration our number one priority when it comes to health and nutrition.

Tap water is not the same as filtered water

Tap water is drinkable but it is full of various extras such as the growing concern around micro-plastics, chlorine, fluoride, pharmaceutical residues and hormones. Because of these, as well as poor water structure, the tap water consumed does not effectively hydrate the body and penetrate deep into the cells where it is needed. It is a bit like watering a dried up pot plant: most of the water runs straight through into the saucer.

By releasing molecular hydrogen into clean, filtered and restructured water, we are left with water that is highly bioavailable and hydrates the body much quicker and effectively that regular tap water.

How do I get molecular hydrogen into my water?

There are various ways you can get molecular hydrogen into your water. The system I use at home (and have done so since 2021 – I never promote anything I do not use myself) is the Energy Plus Undersink Filter System from Water for Health.

This is a 4 stage filtration process which sits neatly under the sink. The first two filters remove debris and particulate, and other contaminants such as chlorine and fluoride. The third filter uses bioceramics to mineralise the water to give it good structure. It then finally passes through the fourth filter which uses a magnesium substrate to release molecular hydrogen into the water.

Which water filter is best?

A water filter of this nature is my preferred way to filter water, over reverse osmosis (ro) and distilling. This is mainly down to the fact that both of these methods remove absolutely everything from the water, including the good stuff – the minerals – which not only provide all the trace elements your body needs, but also provide a basic structure to the water. So if you do choose “ro” or distilling then make sure you re-mineralise the water before drinking.

For further information please see my affiliate link here. There are currently over 1000 published studies available on the benefits of molecular hydrogen.