How can I increase my chances of IVF success?

IVF is a process which shouldn’t be taken lightly. It is hard on couples from all angles; emotionally, mentally and physically.

The drugs used are heavy duty; creating all sorts of side effects and mood swings. The process involves physical incisions through the vaginal wall and on the ovaries – multiple cuts in fact – depending on how many follicles you have. A lot of energy is required for your body to heal. You will also be sedated and this can take time to recover from.

Then there is the agonizing wait to see if any eggs fertilized, and how well they develop to day 5 where you will then have another procedure to transfer the embryo into your womb. And the 2 week wait begins, alongside more drugs.

It is an emotional roller coaster and exhausting; taxing mentally and physically with trips in and out of the clinic for tests and scans.

For such a consuming process, wouldn’t you want to prepare the best that you can to maximise your chances of success? Its not something you should walk into without first fully investigating what the problems are with your inability to conceive naturally, and to really prepare your body and the environment within which your eggs are recruited and collected, and then transferred back for implantation and ongoing pregnancy.

Preparation is key when it comes to IVF success. Don’t allow a fertility clinic to use your first round as a diagnostic; that’s way too expensive both financially and for your health and overall wellbeing.

Find someone to help you through the process and work with a specialist who can take a deep dive into your lifestyle and nutrition, and offer you acupuncture as part of your preparation program.

Contact me for an initial chat and start your preconception journey with me today.