More on Endometriosis

Endometriosis comes from the retrograde menstrual blood flow. This means that when we menstruate, some of the uterine shedding doesn’t flow downwards and out through the vagina; some of it will move up through the Fallopian tubes and into the ovary, and sometimes beyond and into the pelvic cavity.

These pieces of the endometrium are then implanted outside of the uterus, and will bleed during subsequent menses. This means that there is menstrual blood outside of the uterus which the body sees as a foreign invader; the body doesn’t recognise it outside of the uterine cavity. This creates inflammation and pain, and triggers an auto-immune response.

This also can create an oestrogen-dominant state within the body, because of the excess oestrogenic tissue outside the uterine cavity.

Endometriosis doesn’t just create “period pains” and heavy bleeding. It also can have a huge impact on reproductive health, digestive health and bowel movements, urinary and bladder health, mental/emotional health. It can also cause fatigue, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, and pain.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine principles, we need to move Liver Qi Stagnation and clear Blood Stasis. This means that the Qi (energy) of the body is not free-flowing, which causes pain. It also means that if these continue to stagnate then the Blood cannot flow as it should and it gets locked down.

Depending on your particular symptoms and observations an acupuncture prescription will be created to help encourage the restoration of balance within the body.

If you prefer a Reflexology approach, then Reflexology Lymph Drainage could be the sequence of choice. This sequence specifically targets the lymphatic reflexes on the feet, with the intention of modulating the immune system (the white blood cells of the immune system live in the lymphatic fluid) and reducing the inflammatory effect on the body.

Some lifestyle interventions you can do to help yourself:

  • Do not wear tampons. These block the natural downward movement of menstrual blood.
  • Do not have intercourse during your period and the post-partum period.
  • Do less exercise during menses.
  • Avoid pelvic examinations and abdominal massage/pressure during menses.
  • Avoid exposure to cold water during menses.
  • Eat an anti-inflammatory diet, increasing your intake of phyto-nutrients, fruit and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and reducing refined sugars, alcohol, caffeine.
  • Remove all oestrogen-mimicking plastics and personal care products from your home. Anything from synthetic fragrances, plug-ins, candles, food stored/cooked in plastics, washing plastic tupperware/bowls/cups in really hot water and with a harsh detergent, switch to more environmentally friendly cleaning products and glass tupperware. See my other post on detoxing holistically.

For more information please see my other blog post.

Feel at the endo’ your rope with Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a condition where the cells of the endometrium (the uterine lining) are laid down outside of the uterus, usually within the pelvic cavity but sometimes also further afield, like in the nostril for example.

Often endometriosis is found on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or even the bladder and bowel.

When menses occurs, the endometriosis tissue bleeds too. This means that menstrual blood is flowing into areas where it shouldn’t. The body’s immune system will kick in, and attack the endometriosis tissue, creating high levels of inflammation and pain.

Other symptoms might include pain while emptying bladder, during bowel movements, and during or after intimacy. IBS symptoms may also be present; diarrhoea or constipation.

Often endometriosis takes a long time to diagnose, because it really can only be seen via laparoscopy or MRI, although sometimes it can be detected via ultrasound. Initially pain and IBS symptoms will be dealt with via pain killers, and heavy periods are often managed via the oral contraceptive pill. Although these firefighting methods might help, they don’t get to the root of the issue.

High levels of inflammation can cause all sorts of havoc within the body. A disordered immune system will have an impact on thyroid, joints, musculo-skeletal health, intestinal and bowel health, sexual health and mental wellbeing. Higher levels of the wrong type of bacteria can be prolific within the microbiome. Oestrogen dominance can also prevail.

What are the answers?

If you suspect you have endometriosis its imperative that your symptoms are investigated further.

Anything you can do to modulate your immune system will help. Eating an anti-inflammatory diet and removing known stimulants and food triggers is important. Seek help from an Acupuncturist specialising in fertility or women’s health, or a reflexologist specialising in Reflexology Lymph Drainage.

If you are experiencing problems and would like to book in with me please get in touch.