Thoughts on Sleep

Aside from nutrition, getting good quality sleep is probably the most important aspect for health and longevity. It is the cornerstone to good health,vitality, living longer and feeling well.

As basic as it sounds, we are designed to live with the diurnal rhythm; we wake with the light, and we sleep in the dark.

From around 5-6pm in the evening, our cortisol levels naturally start to drop, and the natural light starts to dim, and melatonin levels begin to rise. Melatonin is the hormone that makes us feel drowsy and gets us ready for a good night’s sleep.

I love to look at the Yin/Yang aspect of everything, and we can see here we have the dark night time which is Yin, and the light daytime which is Yang. We can also see that cortisol is the Yang to it’s counterpart melatonin, which is Yin. Our Yin and Yang aspects are always ebbing and flowing gently, gradually and naturally. Therefore its a really good idea to get into a winding down routine in the evening to allow our Yin to naturally deepen and do its work for a good night’s rest.

Its a great idea to adjust your daily activities (as much as is possible) to support this natural daily rhythm. Eating breakfast and your main meal, taking physical exercise and doing the main bulk of your work during the morning and earlier part of the day is best as this is when cortisol is at its highest.

As cortisol starts to drop early evening, its better to eat a smaller evening meal at least 3-4 hours before bedtime. The ‘321’ idea is an easy concept to follow:

  • Eat no later than 3 hours before bed
  • Drink no later than 2 hours before bed (any fluids)
  • No screens no later than 1 hour before bed.

If you can’t switch off your mind, meditation is helpful, as is Valerian, chamomile and magnesium. A bath with Epsom salts will give you a great boost of magnesium, and as your body temperature starts to drop afterwards, it will naturally help to make you feel sleepy. A cup of night time tea might also be useful. Try different things and see what helps you – we are all different!

We should be getting around 90 minutes of deep sleep every night and this usually happens earlier into the night. Its during the deep sleep where our body replenishes, heals and rejuvenates.

We should be getting around 2-3 hours of REM sleep a bit later on in the night, after deep sleep, and this is the type of sleep where our mind sifts, sorts through and processes everything that’s happened during the day. I believe this is why meditation can be so useful because sitting quietly and observing our thoughts for a few minutes before bed will get ahead of the sifting and sorting process that happens during REM.

We can disrupt our deep sleep by exercising too much. It’s a bit like taking a car on a very long drive; the engine will have been revved up and used a lot of oil. It will take longer to cool down and get back to normal. It’s the same with our body and mind. It can leave you wired even if you have done a lot and think you should be tired.

If you are a snorer then this will disrupt your sleep patterns, particularly if it causes apnea and wakes you everytime you’re snoring too loudly or gasping for air. It also means that you are not breathing through your nose as much. Nasal breathing increases the gas nitric oxide which is a molecule produced naturally in the body and is important for relaxing blood vessels and allowing them to widen and increase circulation (and so increasing oxygen and nutrient circulation around the body). It also helps us to feel relaxed and switch from ‘fight or flight’ to ‘rest and digest’ i.e. switching off the sympathetic nervous system and switching on the parasympathetic nervous system. Again these are the Yin and Yang aspects of health. Nasal breathing helps us to move out of Yang and into Yin.

Humming on the outbreath creates vibration which will open up the airways and increase nitric oxide, again making us feel relaxed and able to sleep better. So do some “Oms” with your evening meditation and see if you notice the difference!

Going back to snoring; snoring is usually down to raised inflammation making the airways swollen and restricted. Reducing inflammation is something to really work on if you are a snorer; losing weight, eating the rainbow, cutting down on refined carbs and sugars, processed foods, alcohol, smoking, caffeine, upping your omega 3s by eating oily fish, nuts and seeds, olive oil etc.

Working with a practitioner like myself with regular reflexology and/or acupuncture can be so useful in taking care of your overall health and wellbeing, and we can usually pinpoint areas that might be disturbing your ability to get a good night’s sleep.

Overall, getting into good habits by creating a bedtime routine or ritual that you follow each night, tailored particularly to those things that work for you, is the best way to set the stage for a good night’s sleep.

If you are interested in working with me please get in touch.

Links to carefully selected affiliates.

Stress is a thief

Stress is bandied about a lot across the internet and social media. But lets cut to the chase.

When you are chronically stressed (and this can be any type of stress, worry or fear because the body treats it all the same; as a threat) then your adrenal glands will secrete more of the hormone cortisol in order to keep you safe.

However, cortisol is made up of various ingredients, one of which is pregnenolone. This is where the steal happens. Pregnenolone is a key building block for the sex hormones: oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone. When the body is stressed, it believes it is under threat, and the priority is survival. So of course, the body will prioritise using the ingredients to create cortisol, the stress hormone, over using it to create our sex hormones. Because if your cycle is irregular, or you have unusual mid-cycle bleeding for example, these are not life-threatening. But the body will interpret any stress as life threatening, so other processes of less importance will be “put on the back-burner”.

So if you are having fertility issues of any kind, identifying areas of stress in your life can be a pivotal starting point. Really take some time reviewing your daily activities and routines and see where things could be improved. Spend some time sitting quietly and try not to think about anything. If this is difficult, write down the thoughts or worries that keep reappearing. Other things to consider:

  • Meditation or some sort of spiritual connection
  • Reflexology and/or acupuncture, massage
  • Gentle exercise allowing time for recovery afterwards
  • Setting time aside to do the things you love to do

If you are looking for fertility support in Lancashire please call/email me directly to have a chat and book in.

Are you getting enough Vitamin O?

What am I talking about? Oxygen.

I’m no expert on yoga/breathing/meditation, however what I learn and find useful for myself, I always share where needed, particularly with my clients.

Many people come to me with stress-related issues, anxiety, sleep problems. Our minds wander and we worry, we ask:

  • Why me?
  • Why (insert loved ones name here)?
  • Why did it happen?
  • I wished it hadn’t happened
  • I’m worried it will happen
  • … the list could go on but you get the idea.

While we’re wasting our time doing this, our bodies are responding with the “fight or flight” response. Heart rate quickens, blood pressure increases, our immune and digestive systems start slowing. Our breath becomes shallow.

We need something to get away from the mind’s futile worrying. What could be easier and more opportune than our breath? Take some deep, slow breaths. Allow the oxygen to fill up our chests, our tummies, our whole bodies. Sweep in through the nose, and if you can, out through the nose, if not slowly and gently through the mouth. Try counting 1,2,3,4 as you inhale, 1,2,3,4 as you exhale. Add in some pauses. Count 1,3,3,4 after every inhale and exhale.

These simple techniques should help you tune out your mind’s babble and focus on the present moment. What is actually bothering you right now at this present moment? Nothing.

Posture during these breathing exercises is important too. If you’re doing them in bed in the middle of the night then you should be horizontal and comfortable. Make sure you’re warm and you can relax your muscles. If you’re sitting then it might be useful to use a small cushion to “prop up” your seat bones (those bony bits in your bottom cheeks). Tilting the pelvis forward like this will shift the spine straighter and open up the chest area, allowing more space.

During my reflexology treatments, my sequence always starts with the diaphragm line, followed by lung reflex, to help calm the breath and aid relaxation.

When we breathe we are literally giving our whole bodies oxygen: what could be more holistic?

The breath is so obvious that it often gets overlooked, but this is one of the greatest tools we have to help ourselves.

Are you getting enough Vitamin O?

Jackie Marsden MAR is a qualified reflexologist and independent consultant (Team Leader) for Neal’s Yard Remedies Organic. Jackie leads and mentors a growing team of consultants (many of whom are therapists integrating organic products into their existing businesses) via the NYRO social selling channel, holding regular team meetings, one-to-one coaching via phone and facetime, and a closed facebook group. All views are my own.



Image courtesy of hinnamsaisuy at