Thoughts on Sleep

Aside from nutrition, getting good quality sleep is probably the most important aspect for health and longevity. It is the cornerstone to good health,vitality, living longer and feeling well.

As basic as it sounds, we are designed to live with the diurnal rhythm; we wake with the light, and we sleep in the dark.

From around 5-6pm in the evening, our cortisol levels naturally start to drop, and the natural light starts to dim, and melatonin levels begin to rise. Melatonin is the hormone that makes us feel drowsy and gets us ready for a good night’s sleep.

I love to look at the Yin/Yang aspect of everything, and we can see here we have the dark night time which is Yin, and the light daytime which is Yang. We can also see that cortisol is the Yang to it’s counterpart melatonin, which is Yin. Our Yin and Yang aspects are always ebbing and flowing gently, gradually and naturally. Therefore its a really good idea to get into a winding down routine in the evening to allow our Yin to naturally deepen and do its work for a good night’s rest.

Its a great idea to adjust your daily activities (as much as is possible) to support this natural daily rhythm. Eating breakfast and your main meal, taking physical exercise and doing the main bulk of your work during the morning and earlier part of the day is best as this is when cortisol is at its highest.

As cortisol starts to drop early evening, its better to eat a smaller evening meal at least 3-4 hours before bedtime. The ‘321’ idea is an easy concept to follow:

  • Eat no later than 3 hours before bed
  • Drink no later than 2 hours before bed (any fluids)
  • No screens no later than 1 hour before bed.

If you can’t switch off your mind, meditation is helpful, as is Valerian, chamomile and magnesium. A bath with Epsom salts will give you a great boost of magnesium, and as your body temperature starts to drop afterwards, it will naturally help to make you feel sleepy. A cup of night time tea might also be useful. Try different things and see what helps you – we are all different!

We should be getting around 90 minutes of deep sleep every night and this usually happens earlier into the night. Its during the deep sleep where our body replenishes, heals and rejuvenates.

We should be getting around 2-3 hours of REM sleep a bit later on in the night, after deep sleep, and this is the type of sleep where our mind sifts, sorts through and processes everything that’s happened during the day. I believe this is why meditation can be so useful because sitting quietly and observing our thoughts for a few minutes before bed will get ahead of the sifting and sorting process that happens during REM.

We can disrupt our deep sleep by exercising too much. It’s a bit like taking a car on a very long drive; the engine will have been revved up and used a lot of oil. It will take longer to cool down and get back to normal. It’s the same with our body and mind. It can leave you wired even if you have done a lot and think you should be tired.

If you are a snorer then this will disrupt your sleep patterns, particularly if it causes apnea and wakes you everytime you’re snoring too loudly or gasping for air. It also means that you are not breathing through your nose as much. Nasal breathing increases the gas nitric oxide which is a molecule produced naturally in the body and is important for relaxing blood vessels and allowing them to widen and increase circulation (and so increasing oxygen and nutrient circulation around the body). It also helps us to feel relaxed and switch from ‘fight or flight’ to ‘rest and digest’ i.e. switching off the sympathetic nervous system and switching on the parasympathetic nervous system. Again these are the Yin and Yang aspects of health. Nasal breathing helps us to move out of Yang and into Yin.

Humming on the outbreath creates vibration which will open up the airways and increase nitric oxide, again making us feel relaxed and able to sleep better. So do some “Oms” with your evening meditation and see if you notice the difference!

Going back to snoring; snoring is usually down to raised inflammation making the airways swollen and restricted. Reducing inflammation is something to really work on if you are a snorer; losing weight, eating the rainbow, cutting down on refined carbs and sugars, processed foods, alcohol, smoking, caffeine, upping your omega 3s by eating oily fish, nuts and seeds, olive oil etc.

Working with a practitioner like myself with regular reflexology and/or acupuncture can be so useful in taking care of your overall health and wellbeing, and we can usually pinpoint areas that might be disturbing your ability to get a good night’s sleep.

Overall, getting into good habits by creating a bedtime routine or ritual that you follow each night, tailored particularly to those things that work for you, is the best way to set the stage for a good night’s sleep.

If you are interested in working with me please get in touch.

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The Internal Seasons

I’ve had this blog idea on my “to-do” list for ages, but I’ve not been inspired to write it until today. Do you ever have that? Where something is there to be done but you’re just not inspired to do it until one day, ping! the inspiration comes.

This blog is about outlining the menstrual cycle from a TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) point of view, and how are cycles are similar to the seasons. By becoming more aware of our internal cycles we can really look after ourselves in understanding when times of rest, nourishment and calm are needed (Winter) and when times of high energy can bring us productivity and rejuvenation (Spring and Summer). And those times of preparation (Autumn). A bringing together of the physical and the mental/emotional.

However I feel that there is more to this blog than I originally thought. This is because it is becoming more and more apparent to me that we are not just similar to the seasons, we ARE the seasons. We don’t just live here on this planet, we ARE part of the fabric of creation itself. There is no coincidence that our cycles move in time with the moon; that the tides are pushed and pulled by the forces of the lunar cycle, that so many animals, sea creatures and insects follow the phases of the moon for their own reproduction. Everything in nature includes us. There is no separation. When we talk about “connecting with nature” I think what we are actually doing is “reconnecting with who we are”. We are nature. We don’t walk in nature, or spend time in nature; we ARE nature. This is why these times make us feel so good, because there is a sense of coming home, of becoming one, of belonging, of lessening the grips of the idea that we are seperate from the world and from each other. I find I have more and more of these moments of inner knowing, connectedness and understanding of life, and this is the first time I have been able to grab it and get it down into words.

When we discuss the theory of TCM we often mention the seasons and the weather when we talk about particular energies and meridians. TCM philosophy really harnesses the idea of connectedness with our environment and with nature. I really appreciate this concept in my own understandings of life and of health and wellbeing. I also like the idea of likening the menstrual cycle to the ebb and flow of the tides; the tides of Yin and Yang. Understanding these tides and the transitional points between the two can offer huge benefits of understanding to support one’s own monthly cycles:

Phase 1 (days 1-5) is about Blood as we menstruate, it is a restful Yin phase focusing on nourishing ourselves and taking care of ourselves. Honour this time and avoid sexual intercourse and strenuous exercise. The external pathogenic factor of Cold can penetrate particularly at this time so take note of this in the activities you pursue. Remember that Blood is flowing downwards so sanitary items such as tampons obstruct this downward movement. Better to use pads or a menstrual cup.

Phase 2 (days 6-13) is focusing on Yin as increased amounts of oestrogen cause the lining of the uterus to thicken. Eating protein and mineral-rich foods in this phase will help to replenish Blood and Yin. This phase is building towards Yang.

Day 14 is when ovulation happens, and some cramping or spotting can occur as the body prepares to move from Yin to Yang. Get to know your cycles and allow your body and mind space to transition.

Phase 3 (days 15-21) is very Yang focussed; the body is building and nourishing the uterus ready for implantation if fertilization occurs, or shedding the lining if it doesn’t. This segment of the cycle is very energetic. Remember to support yourself during this energetic time with nutrient dense foods and adequate hydration.

Phase 4 (days 22-28) focusses on Qi. As oestrogen levels drop, serotonin levels can also drop and this can affect our mood and emotions. PMS can occur, tears, frustration, anger, as well as physical symptoms such as bloating or breast tenderness. All of these symptoms are based on the lack of free flowing Qi and result in Qi stagnation. So this segment of the cycle it is important to eat clean, take gentle exercise and avoid stimulants in order to support the Liver energy to keep Qi gently flowing freely. It might be a time where you might want to reach for those sugary snacks, so try to substitute those with better choices. We can also choose to eat warming foods because Qi needs heat to keep the fluids moving. Avoiding cold foods and drinks, and exposure to cold weather, swimming and sitting on cold surfaces can all help to support this phase of the cycle.

If you are looking for fertility support in Lancashire please get in touch.