Common obstacles to wellness

Many people find it difficult to find the time for wellbeing. Juggling work and family commitments can be a challenge, and before we know it another week has passed and another opportunity to book in for that reflexology or acupuncture session has gone.

As women I think we often find that, in altruistic fashion, put our own needs at the bottom of the priority list. Our children/partners/work all often take priority over ourselves and what we need to keep well and feel good.

Sometimes we might even feel that having that massage or facial is actually a luxury, and not an essential, and then we simply don’t prioritise it at all, and may even cross it off the to-do list completely!

But it is so important to take care of our health while we still have it. If we become unwell and ill-health prevails, that is when we will be unable to cope with family commitments and go to work.

Preventative healthcare is so important particularly for women as we spin so many plates in our various roles as mother, sister, daughter, wife/partner, carer, money-earner, housekeeper, cook, cleaner… the list goes on! If we don’t take care of ourselves while we have so many responsibilities, the stress of it all will start to take its toll.

So put yourself first, at least once a month, for just an hour. Book in for that treatment and make sure your cup is replenished so that you’re fully topped up and resourced for the month ahead.