Understanding Morning Sickness and Chinese Medicine in Pregnancy

Morning sickness is a general term we use to describe the feeling of nausea associated with pregnancy.

Although many women who experience morning sickness only feel ill in the mornings, many women actually feel ill all through the day and night. So it isn’t always about feeling sick just in the mornings.

When we sleep, we lay down for a long period during the night, and this can cause fluids to “sit around” and start to stagnate. Gentle movement such as walking out in the fresh air can help to get that fluid moving and circulating again. Ginger tea can also help with this.

Pregnancy uses up a lot of Qi, and many women feel worse when they don’t allow themselves enough rest. Perhaps still working 9-5, perhaps still pushing forward with other commitments and goals. If we use up a lot of Qi doing these things on top of pregnancy then there is little Qi left to move fluids around the body efficiently, creating the feeling of nausea. Adequate rest is really important.

Let’s talk a little bit about Chinese Medicine. The Chong Mai is the Sea of Blood and this will be sending Blood to the Uterus to nourish the foetus. This can overflow and start backing up, particularly in early pregnancy, creating the sense of nausea. This is why morning sickness often improves as the pregnancy progresses, as the foetus grows and the body adapts to the new life growing inside. The Chong Mai is closely linked with the Stomach channel. As the natural movement of Qi within the Stomach is downwards, “Rebellious Qi” describes it rebelling upwards, creating the feeling of nausea. Acupuncture can help to strengthen the descending action of the Qi to alleviate symptoms.

Sea bands are based on Pericardium 6 acupuncture point on the wrist which harmonises the Stomach and alleviates nausea and vomiting. My clients are often sent home with stick-on magnets to use on this point and perhaps others depending on the individual pattern. Using these in between acupuncture sessions can be really beneficial.