Detoxing holistically

January is a time where we see lots of talk and discussion about detoxing after the festive break and as a kick start for the new year ahead. But is January the best time to do this? When we are still very much in mid-winter, and hibernation is still what we are craving with the mornings and evenings still so dark and the weather still so cold.

A better way to approach detoxing is to make lifestyle changes and build good habits into daily routines so that you are reducing the toxic load from the “get go” and daily habits are keeping on top of what’s left.

Reducing toxic load

Many toxins are within our homes. Consider home cleaning, laundry and personal care products, as well as home fragrance. These will contain lots of toxins such as heavy metals, petrochemicals, synthetic fragrance and parabens. Much of these ingredients are environmental oestrogens i.e. they mimic oestrogen within the body and can cause havoc with hormones, mood and weight gain. This is particularly critical if you are trying to conceive or are perimenopausal.

Foods are another area where toxic load can be reduced. Cutting back on ultra processed foods such as ready meals, ready made sauces, fast foods, packet foods can really help reduce toxic load. Choose whole foods and make meals from scratch. Teach yourself how to cook. Snack on things like fruit, nuts and seeds and cut out the junk. Choose organic where possible and rinse/wash fruit and vegetables thoroughly before eating.

Water intake should be increased. The body uses around 2 litres of water per day just to complete its daily functions. If you are not consuming this regularly then the body will source the water from itself leaving you with signs of dehydration such as dry skin, slow bowel movements and headaches.

Choose a water filter to filter out debris, pharmaceutical residues, microplastics and chemicals used in the treatment plants.

Food and water storage

Don’t store your water in plastic bottles; choose a metal or glass bottle. Don’t cook food in plastic containers and try not to store food or re-heat food in plastic. Choose glass Tupperware or simply use a regular bowl and pop a plate over the top. Avoid using clingfilm. You often don’t need to cover and wrap food; simply placing it in the fridge will be good enough if you are eating it the next day. If you want to use a wrap then look at the reusable beeswax or plant-based wraps. Plastic from bottles and storage containers will leach into the water/food, especially if you are washing in hot water using a regular detergent. Switch to an environmentally friendly brand such as Method or BioD.

Daily habits

Daily dry body brushing is a great way to keep your lymphatic system boosted which is integral to reducing toxins and inflammation. Take a body brush and gently brush in an upwards motion towards the heart. Brush up the middle of the torso, then the legs, arms and across the top of the chest. Do this every morning on dry skin before showering or moisturising to keep on top of your detox plan.

A castor oil pack worn over the right side of your abdomen can help to support your liver which is integral for detoxification. This is simply a compress soaked in castor oil and then strapped to your torso and worn for an hour. You can do this weekly to keep on top of your detox plan, or more regularly if you are using it in a more targeted way.

Oil pulling each morning with coconut oil is another way to regularly rid your body of toxins. Put around a teaspoon of coconut oil in your mouth first thing, and let it melt then swish it around your mouth for approximately 2 minutes before spitting into the bin (do not spit into the sink as it may block drains).

Detox the mind with meditation. Meditation doesn’t have to be complicated or boring. Simply sit in a comfortable position and be quiet for a length of time. Sit in the stillness. Allow yourself not to think or worry about anything for the set amount of time. It could be as little as 1 minute to begin with. Use a timer. Practice every day and note how you feel.

These approaches are a better and kinder way to detox your body, and will be practical and sustainable to build into your everyday life.

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