Salts explained

Sea salt is really good for soaking in a bath. It is believed to stimulate circulation, help ease muscle cramps, help relieve stiff joints, and soothe the skin.

Sea salt isn’t generally processed that much, it is simply evaporated off the water. So its very rich in trace minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc and iron.

Himalayan salts are very similar to sea salt in composition and trace minerals. However, because Himalayan salt is mined near the foothills of the Himalayan mountains, from some really ancient sea beds which were covered over with ice, lava and snow for millions of years, its thought that Himalayan salts are much purer than our regular sea salt because they are not full of our modern day pollutants.

Epsom salts aren’t actually a salt. They are magnesium, sulphur and oxygen. So when you use Epsom salts you are really using them for their magnesium content. Magnesium is needed in the body for all sorts of daily functions at a cellular level, and it is thought that in this day and age we are all lacking in magnesium due to the erosion of soil quality. Magnesium is very easily absorbed through the skin so soaking in a bath of Epsom salts is a great way to boost your magnesium levels.

Although we do need magnesium to support a whole host of bodily functions, one of the main things we all need it for is stress-management and improved sleep.

So these are the different types of salt explained, so you can now make an informed choice as to which type you would like to bathe in. Happy soaking!

View the bath salts from Neal’s Yard Remedies Organic.

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